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What is Camp Rio Terrace?

Camp Rio Terrace is a new, neighbourhood day-camp, where elementary grades kids explore their neighbourhood, make new friends, and play outside, without screens.
Camp Rio Terrace is being run by a church, but its purpose is not religious instruction - its purpose is neighbourhood development. This is deliberately open to all of our neighbours, for the purpose of building a more flourishing community for kids in our area. All are welcome and included, regardless of religion, ethnicity, gender, or sexual orientation.
Camp Rio Terrace runs July 10 - 14, 2023, 9:30 am - 3 pm(Care outside of this time is available through Kidwise, our onsite daycare. Contact (587) 599-9185 for information.)
What does a day at Camp Rio Terrace look like?
  • Water bottle

  • Lunch (we are providing snacks and a picnic lunch on Thursday.)

  • A bathing suit for the spray park

  • a mode of transportation, including a bike / scooter and helmet. We will be travelling the neighbourhood.

  • Bug spray / sun screen / sun gear.  Children should know how to apply these things. We will be outside virtually the whole duration of camp, except in case of storm, when we will meet inside the Church.

  • Any medications labeled with clear instructions

The day camp is being offered to all neighbourhood kids for free! We want to make it easy for your kids to participate. However, camp is not free to run. Food costs, program supplies, and some honoraria will be essential to running the program. If you are able to make a donation to Day Camp, it would be greatly appreciated. Donations over $20 will be entitled to tax receipts. 
Volunteers will be essential to a succesful daycamp. We need Jr Counsellors (Grades 7 - 9), Sr Counsellors (grades 10 - adult), cooks, and program/session leaders to share of their time. Please consider volunteering with us.
Questions, Comments, Concerns, Ideas?
Please reach out to Pastor James (Camp Director) at (780) 487-0211 or e-mail jlavoy[at] 
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